Meet Our Team
Meeting the CRF team

Clinical Director
Martina Hennessy
Department: Operational Management Team
Wellcome HRB-Clinical Research Facility, St. James’s Hospital,
Assoc Prof Consultant Clinical Pha...

Associate Director
David Kevans
Department: Operational Management Team
Associate Director Clinical Research Facility, St. James’s Hospital,
Clinical Associate Professor...

Associate Director
Cormac Kennedy
Department: Operational Management Team
Cormac Kennedy is currently a Consultant Clinical Pharmacologist and Physician at St James Hospit...

Programme Manager
Jeremy Towns
Department: Operational Management Team
Programme Manager for the Wellcome HRB Clinical Research Facility
Jeremy Towns manages a wide ran...

Assistant Director of Nursing
Derval Reidy
Department: Operational Management Team
Derval Reidy is the Assistant Director of Nursing, having joined the CRF in July 2013. Derval has...

Chief 2 Pharmacist
Edel O’Dea
Department: Operational Management Team
Edel O’ Dea is the Chief II Pharmacist in the CRF since joining the team in early 2021. Edel has ...

Quality & Regulatory Affairs Manager
Kishor Santhosh
Department: Quality and Regulatory Affairs/Study Sponsorship

Programme Manager
Catherine Ludden
Department: Research and Innovation Office
Catherine Ludden is the Programme Manager for the Research and Innovation (R&I) Office in ...